Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Comeback Kids

Is it deja vu or some kind of rerun from last year? Weren't Hillary Clinton and John McCain the "clear" frontrunners some time ago? Wasn't the Obama Express well on its way from Iowa just a few days ago? And what about Jerry Huckabee and Mitt Romney? Didn't McCain read the script that said he was finished? It is interesting that the polls and prognostiators seemed to have erred in not taking into consideration the power of the older women voters who sided with Clinton and McCain for the most part. I've always seen older women as the real power brokers in this country and they did not stand idly by and let the media direct their election this time around. The young voters that are the engine of change for Obama may not have been enough to counter the older women voters who didn't feel comfortable enough to proclaim Obama as their annointed candidate. However, it is safe to say that New Hampshire marches to a more independent drummer than other states, especially those found in the South. It will be interesting to see how Romney does in Michigan and Edwards fares in South Carolina, two states that each of those candidates have to win. According to our poll (at right), Obama is the apparent leader, but like in the real world, there is still plenty of time for the other candidates to overtake him. Please consider casting a vote for your candidate of choice. In the meantime we should all enjoy the ride and hold tight. As Bette Davis's character Margot Channing opined in "All About Eve," "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night."

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